GIS Maps and Apps Website
Monroe County Restaurant locator
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Geographic information systems (GIS) integrates hardware, software, and data for capturing, managing, analyzing and displaying all forms of geographically referenced information. The Monroe County GIS department is located within mapping and platting. Data is available for purchase, however a signed disclaimer must be accompanied with payment. Please note the boundaries on the GIS maps are for location purposes only and are not considered legal surveys.
- Identify local users and agencies that will benefit from GIS data.
- Identify the needs of interested parties and apply GIS processes to help them run more efficiently.
- Update parcel mapping in a timely manner.
- Create and maintain an accurate parcel map.
- Create an maintain additional data layers that will benefit other office/organizations.
GIS Applications
- Locate property owners for variances
- Calculate farmland values
- Create/update plat books
- Define property uses
- Determine locations of:
- Flood Zones
- Sinkholes
- Parcel Boundaries
- Buildings
- City Limits
To request GIS data, maps or plats by email go to mapping and platting for more information.