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Phone Number:

In order to reach you for cancellations or changes, you MUST give us your phone number,

or we have no way to contact you. 


New Jurors:  after you receive your jury court summons for jury duty in the mail, you are required to complete a juror questionnaire. To access and complete the questionnaire, click:  Juror Questionnaire

If you are having difficulty completing the juror questionnaire online, you may receive a paper copy from my office by calling 618-939-8681 or by emailing a message to Jury Email. 

>>>>Failure to reply to the jury summons could result in service of summons by Sheriff’s Department.<<<<<


>>>>>> ATTENTION:  >>>>>>>

Postponements/Cancellation:  Please make sure we have an accurate and up-to-date way to contact you by telephone. Without it, we have no way to contact you other than your address which would not be an immediate way to reach you!!! We do not want you to show up unnecessarily.

If the jury trial gets postponed or cancelled for which you have been summoned, a phone message will be sent to the phone numbers you provide to the Circuit Clerk’s office on your questionnaire.

  1. Jurors are to arrive at the courthouse at the designated time and sign in at the Circuit Clerk’s office.
  2. Cell phones and any other electronic devices are not allowed in the courtroom; they need to be secured in the car or at home.
  3. Once in the courtroom, the judge and attorneys pare down the larger group into a panel of 12 (twelve) jurors, and alternate(s) by asking a series of questions which is called Voir Dire.
  4. Please dress for your comfort level as the courtrooms may feel cool or warm to you.
  5. You are welcome to bring reading materials or gamebooks such as crossword or Sudoku. There may be long periods of waiting.
  6. No drinks are allowed in the courtroom.
  7. Rest room and water breaks will be taken regularly.
  8. Listening devices are available from the Circuit Clerk if you have difficulty hearing.

If you have any questions, please email Jury Email.


General Juror Information:

Jurors:  You are an extremely important part of the judicial system of the 24th Circuit Court in Monroe County. Thank you for your willingness to serve. Click the following links for general juror information videos:

Illinois Jury Orientation

Juror Informational Video

How Are Jurors Chosen?

In the State of Illinois, jurors are selected from a pool compiled by the Circuit Clerk. The Circuit Clerk’s office receives a database of names once a year from the State. The names in the database come from 3 sources. If you DO NOT update this information, your name may still be pulled for duty.

  1. The Illinois Secretary of State – records of those with a driver’s license, state identification card, or disabled persons identification card
  2. Local County Clerks and Election Commissions – records of those who have registered to vote
  3. The Illinois Department of Labor – records of those who have applied for unemployment compensation

The list of names provided by the State is downloaded into the court case management system, which uses an algorithm to randomly select potential jurors. Jurors will receive a Summons with specific dates of service and other important information which MUST be answered. The Court decides who is excused from jury duty, not the Circuit Clerk or Deputy Circuit Clerks.