Monroe County Interoperable Radio Committee
This committee was created by the Monroe County Board to look at ways to improve the radio communications within Monroe County following notification from the FCC that our current VHF system needed to change. The committee suggested moving from the VHF system that the county has been using to the STARCOM 21 system that Motorola created for the State of Illinois. This system was phased in throughout the county and today is the primary communication system that is used by all first responders and the old VHF system is used as a backup system should it be needed. Since the inception of the STARCOM 21 system the committee has worked with the St. Louis Area Regional Response System (STARRS) to impliment a regional microwave system to carry radio traffic and other data throughout the region. Currently the committee continues to work to improve the interoperable communications throughout Monroe County and the St.Louis region.
Meetings are held every other month on the second Wednesday at 7:00 pm in the EMA Office at the Monroe County Courthouse.
Meeting Agendas:
Meeting Minutes:
- Radio Minutes 1-13-2016
- Radio Minutes 5-11-2016
- Radio Minutes 9-14-2016
- Radio Minutes 11-9-2016
- Minutes 1-11-2017
- Minutes 3-8-2017
- Minutes 5-10-2017
- Minutes 7-12-2017
- Minutes Sept 13,2017
- Minutes 11-8-2017
- Minutes 1-10-2018
- Minutes 3-14-2018
- Minutes 7-11-2018
- Minutes 9-12-2018
- Minutes 1-9-2019
- Minutes 4-10-19