Requirements for Property Divisions
- Must be at least 5.00 acres
- Must have public road frontage. The new parcel and the remaining portion of the original parcel must each have 330’ public road frontage.
- In a recorded subdivision, divisions of lots or blocks of less than one acre can be made provided it does not involve any new streets or easements of access.
- The sale or exchange of land between owners of adjoining land.
- The conveyance of land for railroad right of way or other public utility facilities and other pipe lines which do not involve any new streets or easements of access.
- The conveyance of land for highway or other public purposes to be dedicated to the public for public use.
- The conveyance of land owned by a railroad or any public facility which does not involve any new streets of easements of access.
- Conveyance made to correct descriptions in prior conveyances.
- Parcels of land existing today as it did on or prior to July 17, 1959, can convey one division of any acreage not involving any new streets or easements of access.
- Parcels of land existing today as it did on or prior to October 1, 1973, can convey one division of land less than 5.00 acres. This division must be surveyed by an Illinois Registered Land Surveyor and a drawing of the survey must be attached to the deed for approval and recording.
- Parcels of land that have a descriptive roadway easement, recorded in Monroe County prior to July 1, 1989, running through the parcel and/or along the parcel’s boundary line can convey divisions of 5.00 acres or more off of the easement. The new division(s) and the remaining portion of original tract must have frontage on the easement.
- Conveyances of land for cemetery use.
- Conveyances pursuant to law or court order.
For additional information, please contact the Mapping and Platting Office.