How do I obtain a building permit?
The application for a building permit can be downloaded here, or you can stop by the Zoning Office located on the second floor of the Monroe County Courthouse.
Is OSB allowed as roofing material in Monroe County?
Monroe County does not allow OSB to be used as roofing material. 1/2-inch plywood or zip board is allowed.
Can the Zoning Office help me locate my property corners?
No. The County does not have surveying capabilities and cannot assist in locating them. A surveyor can locate the corners for a fee.
I am thinking about putting a portable shed or carport on my property. Does this require a building permit?
If the shed or carport is 100 square feet or larger it will require a permit and you will need to place it so that the structure is in compliance with county setbacks.
My neighbor has diverted the flow of water onto my property. Can the Zoning Office force him to correct it?
The Zoning Office does not get involved in conflicts between neighbors involving water issues. If the situation cannot be settled amicably, legal action may be the only resort.
Do I need a permit for a fence?
Monroe County does not regulate fences that are 6 feet or under. Please refer to section 40-4-4 of the Monroe County Zoning code to see restrictions that apply.
I am putting in an in-ground pool. Does this pool require a permit and does it need to be fenced?
In-Ground pools require a permit and are required to be fenced. Please refer to Section AG105 of the 2006 International Residential Code.
I am planning on building a Commercial building in Monroe County. What kind of plans do I need to provide?
All drawings must be signed and sealed by a design professional registered in the State of Illinois.
What building codes does Monroe County enforce?
- 2006 International Building Code
- 2005 National Electrical Code
- Illinois State Plumbing Code (most current)
Does change of use on a commercial building require a permit?
Yes. Any remodeling that requires structural, electrical or plumbing changes will require a permit. Please refer to 40-2-37 (e) of the Monroe County Zoning Code.
I am remodeling my house. Do I need a permit?
Any alterations or additions to structural, electrical or plumbing does require a permit. Please call the Zoning Office at: 618-939-8681 ext. 260 for more information.